- Having trouble deciding which section to choose?
- Need help coming up with ideas for your costume?
- Need help creating and designing your costume?
- We are here to help! We are all part of the Tribe and
- We are here to help!
With five years of unbroken success to its credit, the TRIBE of TWEL is embarking on its most challenging portrayal yet, designed to thrill the carnival public and electrify its expanding ranks of dedicated, enthusiastic revelers.
Says outgoing Chair, Beverly Charlery, “We have always challenged ourselves with diverse themes inspired by culture, literature, history and religion. With our dedication to originality, creativity and craftsmanship, we hope to dominate the competitive field and bring joy to our many fans out there”
Previous TWEL portrayals include AMERINDIA (2015), PARADISIO (2016), MAMA MI MATLO (2017), SCENES FROM SHAKESPEARE (2018), and AFOLABÉ (2019). All of these have captured King, Queen, and Band of the Year titles.
“We are not resting on our successes…” says the TRIBE’s incoming Chairperson, Marlene Warner. “TWEL is constantly exploring new territory. This year more than ever, we are pushing past our boundaries and it is very exciting. We think that works for us. It keeps us fresh”.
“Innovation is our major strength” says Akeem Herman, one of the TRIBE’s bright young members. He thrives in the safe, nurturing environment of the TWEL Mas’ Camp where he has been adopted by a network of aunts and uncles who help him develop his creative and leadership skills. He now manages key elements of mas camp production, the engine room of TWEL’s winning king and queen costumes.
Clearly, the TRIBE is very proud of its open-door policy which welcomes young people from the surrounding community. Heidi Hinkson agrees. She joined the TRIBE recently, in search of something more than pretty feathers and spandex. She represents a second wave of TWEL revelers and has helped bolster the TRIBE’s digital footprint and social media presence. “It feels good. We have fun at camp and on the road, but there is also respect, support, and dedication to the task at hand”.
For the next 5 months leading up to Lucian Carnival in July, the task at hand is TWEL’s 2020 portrayal. It is inspired by the parallel worlds of science fact and science fiction, both of which allow for a colorful spectrum of artistic interpretation.
“It is literally out of this world” hints creative dynamo, Adrian Augier, who recently led the TRIBE’s elite squad halfway around the planet to participate in Taiwan’s National Day celebrations. “That trip consolidated our productive energy. We stayed focused on delivering our primary objective which was to make our country and our Tribe proud. We did that… and came back even stronger”.
That productive energy is now doubly focused on the TWEL 2020/2022 portrayal, the breathtaking details of which will be unveiled soon! Anticipation surges… The game’s afoot… The TRIBE is gathering… AGAIN !!!